Forum Rules

Shop Forums Admin Announcements Forum Rules

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  • #2429
    Dean Robinson

    Our Forum Rules are continually updated so please check back here for the latest information.

    1. Users may create one account only, multiple accounts are not allowed and will see both accounts suspended / banned / deleted at our sole discretion.

    2. Any Admin or Moderator decisions regarding the content of your posts and replies are final.

    3. Posts can be edited for upto 5 minutes after they are published, beyond that time limit please make a reply if you wish to clarify any errors or omissions.

    4. Any posts or replies considered as Spam will be deleted and the user will be warned, after a second warning the user will be suspended / banned / deleted at our sole discretion. (Please see our separate Spam Policy post for any information related to this).

    5. Please try and keep the content clean and refrain from making any offensive comments (Please see our separate Speech Policy post for any information related to this).

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